Anna Sawa

Teacher's Zone
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Autumn game

Autumn time is a great opportunity to teach common vocabulary related to autumn such as: an acorn, a mushroom, an apple, grapes, leaves or a pumpkin. I would like to present an autumn game which is a perfect way to practice autumn vocabulary with young ESL learners.

Counting songs and rhymes

Counting songs and rhymes are fantastic teaching resources not only for children who learn to count in their own language, but also for ESL kids. Repeating the songs and rhymes over and over again students build their confidence in counting.

FOOD GROUPS - CLIL lesson plan

The aim of this lesson is to teach food items which are split according to the groups of food they belong to. Products are divided into four food groups: fish & meat, fruit & vegetables, dairy products and grain products.

Lesson Plan to Introduce Winter Clothes Vocabulary

As it is snowy and frosty outside, the time is perfect to introduce winter clothes vocabulary to your young students. If you bring realia to the classroom your lesson will be memorable, motivating and enjoyable. Children will learn new winter words easily and they will remember them longer.
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